Sunday, April 3, 2011

Run Kelly Run!

Marathon Runner Collage Painting

Now that I've finished up my most recent long term sub job, I no longer have an excuse not to exercise more frequently.  BUMMER.  This week I'm getting back to the Couch to 5K plan.  Ok, I'm going to be honest... I DESPISE running.  Truly.  The day we had to run the mile in elementary for the Presidential Physical Fitness test was always the day I was most likely to feign illness (sorry Mimi).  I also know there is no faster way to get myself back in fighting shape than running.  UGH.  

5K Glass Pendant Necklace
If you have never checked out C25K, you really should.  It's like "Running for Dummies"... you can download their app to your phone or itouch, or go old school and just print the plan and carry it with you.  Crank up the ipod and hit the ground... walking.  Well, they start you off walking anyway, and running in short spirts until you supposedly build up enough stamina to run for longer and longer stretches, and eventually you supposedly will be able to run for an entire 5K.  I think I am blogging about this in part to hold myself accountable, because I know someone is going to want to know how it's going... so, here I go.  Off and... wait for it... wait for it...WALKING... ok, if you insist... running. 

Egads Man - 8 x 10 Poster Print


Julia said...

C25K is great! Good luck getting started!

Judy El Masri said...

Ha!!! Reading this fresh off the treadmill :) But I can't find this app for my Blackberry :(

Amanda said...

I've done something like this! It really did work! Good luck, and definitely let us know how youre progressing. :)

FabricFascination said...

That's what I need, running for dummies. Good for you starting up this regime.

William said...

Good luck and thanks for including our print on your lovely blog!

My Life Under the Bus said...

Egads!!! Now I want to run!!! ....and is it wrong that I always thought of myself looking more like Charlie Brown instead of Sponge Bob? ...or maybe Sally Brown? LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

So, Sissy, how's it going?

Love ya!

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