Great bones, sturdy and only $6... SCORE.
But, no desk... on to another thrift store... WAY in the back, hidden in a hard to find room I stumbled across this little desk, which was clearly a shadow of it's former self:
Ok, this definitely needed some work... LOVED the shape, perfect size, but it had chunks and splits in the wood, and of course there are those gang signs spray painted on the side. NICE. But, only $15 and I had faith my handy husband could do something about the other ailments. Took this home and hubby set to work with some wood glue, clamps and wood putty while dear daughter and I hit Hobby Lobby for lavender and apple green spray paint, Hard Coat Mod Podge (Hard Coat is best for furniture), new orange porcelain drawer pull and 5 different coordinating scrapbook papers... 2 days, several coats of spray paint, Mod Podge, and sealer later THIS is the finished product...
Seriously... I am in LOVE with this desk set! So is Dear Daughter... The entire project cost about $35 and I didn't find a single desk remotely close to this perfect for her room anywhere else for less then $200. If you have never attempted Mod Podge, it is a wonderful EASY way to transform something great into something spectacular. There are tons of youtube videos with instruction, but I got most of my inspiration from this great blog: Since we had some paper left over, we mod podged a few other things in her room to match, and she is thrilled with the results. The really great thing about Mod Podge is it is non-toxic and so harmless, you can let your kids jump in and help... they LOVE it. So, go get creative and find something to jazz up with some pretty scrapbook papers or great wrapping paper... have fun!
More GREAT projects here:

That's adorable! What a great job.
OMG I love your work and your blog! Glad you joined our group.
Oh, thanks CremeMagnolia (blushing here)... I am following you now, too!
This turned out absolutely adorable!! It's amazing what you can do with a little imagination and elbow grease! Thanks so much for sharing this!! :)
These came out great!
Absolutely gorgeous, what a makeover, I am so impressed. I love the colors too!
Great color choices! I love seeing thrift store finds transformed!
I'm totally impressed and a little bit jealous!
You've done a great revamp! Love the paint colour!
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