Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy 1st Blogday and a Giveaway!

So, I totally would have missed the fact that TODAY is my little blog's big first birthday were it not for my number one cheerleader (mom) who sent me a lovely little congratulatory note yesterday... thanks Mimi!  I'm a little bumfuzzled as to how the last year has just evaporated, but I'm quite proud of myself that I'm still keeping up with this little adventure, even if not quite as often as I would like.  

Funny reading my very first post (no pictures, DUH, what was I thinking?)... we were having a snow day the next day.  A SNOW DAY.  Exactly one year later, and it was 88 degrees yesterday.  Remember what I said about our weather being ON CRACK?  Welcome to Texas... don't like the weather?  Just wait a minute.

Interesting to realize how my style has changed as much as it has stayed the same over the last year, and how my interests are evolving.  I've found that I really enjoy writing... I guess I have always been the one who preferred writing a paper over taking a test.  But now I find myself forming blog posts in my head and then frantically looking for something to write it down, or jumping out of bed to type something up because I know in the morning I will get so busy with the business of the day that it will have completely escaped me.

A girl knows her limits, but a wise girl knows she has none... Marilyn  Monroe

And how on earth did I go from ZERO followers (well, besides Handsome Hubby and Mimi) to 765 in one short year?  Insane!  I hope I don't bore you too often, and I hope you all stick with me for another year.  I have "met" some wonderful folks in this virtual world!  As a THANK YOU to ALL of my virtual friends, those that have been with me from the beginning and those of you who are new,
I'm feeling the need to celebrate with... what else?

So, what am I giving away you ask?  I had to think awhile, and I decided to share with you one of my all-time favorite products (and no, I'm not getting a kick-back, this is not a sponsored post, and I am buying this with my very own cashola just because I LOVE you all...).  

What is it, you ask?

Benefit High Beam Complexion Enhancer

One swipe of this magic potion on your cheekbones gives you that lovely pregnancy glow (ok, I was more green than glowing, but I know you're SUPPOSED to glow) without having to change diapers or pay college tuition.  You will have the perfect amount of sparkle, without looking like an 8 year old that got crazy with the body glitter.  

And all you have to do to enter to win this little bottle of magic?


To enter the Orangie's Attic Blog Birthday Giveaway, you can either:

1) Become a FOLLOWER of the Orangie's Attic Blog via Google Friend Connect, Networked Blogs, Blog Lovin' or Email Subscription and leave a comment letting me know which you choose.


In that case you can...

2) "Like" Orangies Attic on Facebook, then come back here and leave a comment letting me know you're a fan.


3) "Follow" Orangies Attic on Twitter then come back here and leave a comment to let me know you are a follower.

And for those you sweet friends who have already done ALL of the above (LOVE you), just leave me a comment to say HELLO, please enter me!

Only ONE entry per person, so please note that you only have to do one of the above to enter.  I'm all about easy...

And one more thing, make sure I have a way to contact you if you win - an email address or a username to message you via Facebook, Twitter, Etsy convo, Blogger, etc.

Giveaway is open to US residents & International residents with restrictions - see official rules for details

Giveaway ends Friday, February 10th, 2012 at noon PST. Winner will be announced shortly after.

THANKS friends and followers...
looking forward to another year of rollicking randomness with YOU!


My Inspired Reality said...

Congratulations on your one year and awesome blog:)

Trina Prenzi said...

Congratulations on one year of blogging! Happy Birthday! :)

Paige @ Little Nostalgia said...

Woo hoo! Happy Blog Birthday!

I'm already a follower. Thanks for the chance to win!

Julie Martins said...

Wow! I can't believe its been a year either!! This is my favorite blog so keep it coming! Love you!

Heather said...

Congratulations!!! WooHoo! I just Liked you on Facebook.

Unknown said...

Happy blog birthday!

I'm a Blog Lovin' follower! :D

- Lindsay

Stela said...

Happy 1 year!!

OnePerfectDay said...

Congratulations on your first successful blogging year!
Many happy returns!

Meg S said...

Congratulations! I'm already a GFC follower so I followed you on twitter too (@chknpotpie)!

Thanks :)

mysecretagentloverman at gmail dot com

pasqueflower said...

Happy blog birthday!

silvergirl said...

Congratulations on your blogivesary!!

sewrachel said...

Okee Dokee - I know you said do only one, but obsessive me did them all! Congrats girlie! Hope to follow in your footsteps and start my own soon. May have to wait until this summer.


sewrachel said...

OOPS - I didn't say how to contact me, hint - BUNCO! You can bring my prize Tuesday! HA!

fisiwoman said...

Enter me please! I'm a new follower on Bloglovin!

Ana Belén R.M

Megan, said...

Congrats on your first year of blogging, here's to many many more!

Sweet Fix @ Maria Corcuera said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm your newest follower :)

Olga said...


I'm a new GFC follower:Olga

olgaliki77 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I follow you with GFC : Elo' Cupcake
I liked you on Facebook :)
Amazing giveaway thanks :)

Anonymous said...

am following u on twitter now:)
Gongrats to you!:)

Kambrea said...

I am following on GFC

Leslie Richman said...

I'm a new follower- thanks for such a fun giveaway!!

lesliedoll at hotmail dot com

Annalisa Diaz said...

Congratulations! I like Orangies Attic on Facebook as Annalisa Diaz
Champion1953 at aol dot com

Jacqueline said...

congratulations on your milestone! im a new follower (via gfc)

Marija said...

Big congrats! I'm now following you on twitter @mrsclutterbuck

marija.majerle at gmail dot com

Danielle S. said...

I'm following your blog with GFC as Danielle/See Shop Love!

Danielle S. said...

I'm following you on Twitter as gimmetweets3

KHBride said...

Congrats on your 1 year!

I follow on gfc as K.H.

khbride at yahoo dot com

Hayleigh said...
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Asims said...

Happy 1 year! And now I am officially a follower and fan of Orangies Attic on Twitter and FB. Yay :)

Colleen Boudreau said...

I follow you via GFC (collifornia)
holliister at gmail dot com

jhitomi said...

Congrats and thanks for the chance. Now following on gfc as jhb.
jhbalvin at gmail dot com

dragonfly said...

I wish you many more blog posts :*
gfc: meri

wonder Woman said...

Congrats and many thanks for the giveaway!

GFC follower: Alexandra Andrei

alex_sup3rgirl at yahoo dot com

Katarzyna said...


GFC follower - Katarzyna


Anonymous said...

i'm a gfc follower!

dizzlizz58 @

lizzie said...

follow your blog on google :)

xx elizabeth

lizzie said...

oops forgot to leave a contact method...

ecdillon at gmail dot com

MeganMcKnight said...

I just started following and LOVE IT! with my email adress

LaurenBear said...

Congrats on a successful year and wishes for many more in the future! I'm a GFC follower.

Lauren Bear

AmeliaB said...

I followed, and congratulations on a great first year!

Cindy said...

Thank you so much for offering such a wonderful giveaway! I follow you via GFC, Facebook and Twitter.

GFC: Cindy
Facebook: Cindy A.
Twitter: @normawatson


Jel said...

im a blog follower =)
GFC: Jel

punkme15 at gmail dot com

Jel said...

im an FB fan of Orangie's Attic
FB Name: Maggy Diaz Oro

punkme15 at gmail dot com

Jel said...

followed @orangiesattic on twitter as @jelaiii_x

punkme15 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

follow you on gfc as Robin Scott
robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

like you on fb as Robin Scott
robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

follow you on twitter as robinlscott
robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

please enter me in the giveaway - thanks
robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Congrats on all the followers! I hope I get that many within a year! Please enter me! I'm following you :)


an ika said...
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an ika said...
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an ika said...



FB-Anna Ku


anna_k67 at yahoo dot com

jana said...

Happy Anniversary!
following you on GFC : )

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