
Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Mom Moment...

I'm having a moment... see that cute little smiling face on the left?  That's Dear Daughter... it's Spring Break (woo hoo!) and she's spending the week with her awesome Aunt Kim and her cousins at "Camp Aunt Kim".  Today they are at the Texas State Capital celebrating the 100th anniversary of Girl Scouting.  She and her aunt are kindred Girl Scout spirits, and they were beyond excited for this little adventure.  This is the first glimpse I've had since she left yesterday, and I won't get my hands on that cuteness again until Sunday.  SUNDAY people.  That's an entire week without my little mini-me, my partner in crime, my joyful little ball of energy and hilarity.

Here's the deal... I have prided myself on raising independent, self-confident children.  Mine were the toddlers who skipped happily into Mother's Day Out without so much as a glance over their shoulder.  I pitied the moms with the clingy, screaming psycho-separation anxiety kids.  Now it has backfired on me and I am the one with psycho-separation anxiety... they go, and they WANT to go, and they smile back at me from photos I'm not in, from adventures I only maybe share virtually (Sweet Son is anti-facebook, so I don't even get that little luxury when he's gone).  This is our goal as parents... I know, this is what we are supposed to do... raise them to be self sufficient, happy and well adjusted.  I'm good with that most of the time... except when I get no sleepy, squishy cheeked kisses first thing in the morning for an ENTIRE WEEK.  Ok, I will stop my pouting shortly now.  Back to your regularly scheduled Monday...


  1. No matter how far they travel, you'll always be their mom. The tether that binds them all together.

  2. No matter how far they travel, you'll always be their mom. The tether that binds them all together.

  3. I am kid less this week was so quiet getting dressed for work this morning...almost eerie...I miss my lady bugs already!
    Because Shanna Said So

  4. How wonderful that she is spending time with her cousins! I'll bet she'll be full of stories when she gets back!

  5. Aw she's so cute...thanks for sharing! Must be nice to get a little break...absence makes the heart grow fonder? I can't wait until my littles are a little less dependent and ready for auntie-camp. Then, I have been told many times that I am wishing my time away...

  6. My children are the exact same way. I always joke with my husband and say "I hope this means we are good parents and not that they just don't like us!

    Looks like she is having a ball!

  7. That will so be me. My kids are still babies, 2 and 4, and we haven't left them longer than like 3 days. A whole week seems like forever. I hope you make it through the week:))

  8. I know exactly how you feel and you can trust me, it doesn't get any easier the older they're grown and their confident independence takes them even further away. Thank goodness for Skype!

  9. So sweet! I had one that was mostly ok with me leaving him at preschool when it started this past fall, and I did not envy the screamers. I hope my kids are as easy going about doing things without us!
