
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Leavin' on a jet plane...

At the time this posts I will be on a plane with the little cutie-pie in this pic... except the little cutie-pie is now almost 6 feet tall and carries the luggage.  Yep, I'm heading off with Sweet Son for CollegeTour-A-Palooza... four schools in five days in a part of the country I have never seen.  

Just me.
and the boy.
and a rent car.
and 100's of miles.
FAR FAR away from home.

Did you catch that FAR FAR away part? 

Have I mentioned he's not seriously considering one single school in
the great state of Texas?  


Didn't I mention something Monday about my children perhaps being a "tad" too freakishly independent?


I guess I'll always have the pictures.

And Handsome Hubby... with whom I am not celebrating my TWENTIETH wedding anniversary today, because... well, I'm on a plane with SS.  No worries... HH and I have a BIG trip planned with FIVE WHOLE DAYS of celebrating our 20 (TWENTY!!!  Did I say TWENTY?!) years as a pretty darn happily married duo on the most amazing beach in the world... one month and counting.  WOOT! 


  1. hope your visits go well
    with one in college and one as a senior i feel your pain
    both sons are VERY independent!

  2. Happy anniversary! Twenty years is definitely something to celebrate, and celebrate in a BIG way. I'm sure you'll have a great trip with your son in the meantime!

  3. Happy anniversary! Twenty years is definitely something to celebrate, and celebrate in a BIG way. I'm sure you'll have a great trip with your son in the meantime!

  4. I am now officially freaked out! Because instead of not even being able to imagine this with my oldest I can totally see this happening.

    Time moves way too fast.

    Have fun and good luck!!!

  5. Happy Anniversary! Have a great time on your trip with your son....hope he finds a school he likes:))

  6. Happy Anniversary and good luck on the school visits. My daughter stayed close thank goodness. Texas A & M as you already know since you read my blog. But I would be crazy if she left Texas. Who knows what the future holds.

  7. Safe travels!! What school does he want to go to! I hope it's Texas State! Go Bobcats!! That's my alma mater! ;)
    Because Shanna Said So

  8. I don't even want to think about this yet! My little guy just turned 1, and I know that next time I turn around, we'll be arranging a trip just like yours. I hope it went well :)

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