
Friday, August 30, 2013

A Comeback and College Cookies!

I'm back!  I'm sure you missed me (not)... I took a WAY long blog break.  Life got crazy, senior in high school and a VERY busy 7th grader put a big fat damper on my creative activities.  Now I've sent Sweet Son off to college FAR FAR (18 hours far) away last week, and I need something to keep my mind from the feeling I'm always forgetting something (that would be my KID), and wondering if he got up for class.  Can I just say, college is SO MUCH COOLER now than when I went... I really would love a do-over, and this time I promise I would not sleep through class.  Did I mention I'm worried about SS sleeping through class?

So, my project this week was our first College Care Package... which included standard snacks and junk food (and some fresh tortillas, cuz' he's a Texas boy and, let's face it, Virginia is NOT the Tex-Mex capital of the world).  But the most fun part of our package was the cookies... or really, how we sent them.  Dear Daughter and I spent an afternoon on this fun little project... we started by making the classic Nestle Tollhouse recipe. Don't know what got into me because I haven't made cookies from scratch SINCE the inception of Slice and Bakes.  
The things we do for our kids... 

After reading a couple of suggestions on Pinterest, we decided to try the Pringles can packaging method... so easy and fun AND we got to eat the Pringles before we could start.  Win win!  The can keeps them fresh and intact and cookies fit like a charm.  I was surprised to find we could get about a dozen and a half cookies in one of those classic cans.  We had to test a little to figure out how big to make the cookies so they would fit... Dear Daughter was happy to eat the mistakes.  

For the can, rinse and dry out the inside, then it's ready to decorate (or not!).  We used some card stock and stickers in his school colors, and put a little "love" note on top.  Tie it with a ribbon to help keep the lid in place.  Box it up with some extra padding (and more junk food and a cool $20, of course), and send it Priority Mail or UPS early in the week so it doesn't sit in the post office getting stale over the weekend... 

Hopefully we will have a happy(er) college boy in a few days...

Until next time (and hopefully not SOOOOO long), peeps!


  1. Totally stealing this idea! Will's package going out next week :)

  2. seriously, you are adorable!

  3. Welcome back! He'll love the surprise.

  4. Good Job Kelly! I think I spent a TON on "goodie" college packages last year (finals, valentines, halloween) And not just for Aggie Girl, but all her buds too! A moms gotta keep those chicks close no matter how long the road is!

  5. I love this idea, too! How did
    you get the chip odor out of the Pringles can?

  6. If you don't mind, can you tell me how much it was to send these? I have been contemplating sending these out to all my niece and nephews (5 in college) but I'm afraid it is going to break the bank. Thank you!

  7. Such a great idea. Can't wait to share with mom friends who sent their kids off to college this fall.

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  11. nice post.
    just want to add: for a special occasion [Homecoming, finals week, or anytime, if your recipient has lots of friends who know that Mom -- in my case, Auntie -- sends tasty care packages], oatmeal boxes are great for giant cookies. I wrap the big ones individually in plastic wrap.
    also, that much cookie is a lot of work, so I usually fill baggies with homemade snack mix, fruit & nuts trail mix, jerky, or granola, to fill up the box. plus, of course, flavored popcorn in baggies are famously good packing material.
